Friday, 31 August 2012

Garden furniture repair

If your garden furniture is in need of a repair then we can help you. We can provide a fantastic garden furniture repair service to a range of clients. We have over 20 years experience in repairing garden furniture, blast cleaning and more. Take a look at the photos below to get an idea of our garden furniture repair work.

Garden Furniture Refurbishment using blast cleaning

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Mr Taylor's Book on Amazon

A Horse in the Bathroom: How an Old Stable Became Our Dream Village Home
Hi everyone, if you saw our blog post last week, then you will know that the post was about an extract from a magazine, and how we used our excellent powder coating services to put the finishing touches on the   structure. Mr Taylor wrote a book on his wonder self build experience. Click on the following link to see the book on Amazon -

Friday, 17 August 2012

Mr & Mrs Taylor, The Old Stables, Stow on the Wold

Hi all, our blog post for this week in an extract from an article that was published in in the SelfBuild & Design Magazine Feb 2007. Have a read of it below.

When we first cleared the site, we came across the iron rims and axles from an ancient cart, and we’d had the idea of turning them into a sculpture for the courtyard. The man with apparently the right credentials is in a nearby village. “Is that Mick Keepence?” “I’m afraid so’ comes the response with a twinkle in his voice.

Mick is a tonic. ‘Ahh, tyres,’ he says patting the giant rusty iron rims. He tells me how the old wheelwrights used to forge-weld them, then get them red hot so they’d clamp onto a wooden spoke-frame as they cooled.

First, Mick shot blasts our iron to clean it up. Then he tacks the rims and axles together, and patiently he breaks them apart again when I want to do something different. His son helps him heave the result down from the work-bench, and his wife and daughter – half a dozen beagle puppies at their heels – join in the debate on what colour the sculpture should be powder coated. Must be the selfbuilder’s heaven, this!

Mr Taylor has since then wrote a book on his wonderful self build experience and we are proud to be mentioned in this. 

Friday, 10 August 2012

One of Our Recent Powder Coating Jobs

We recently carried out a powder coating job on an old post box. The customer was extremely happy with the service we provided.
'Thank you for doing such a wonderful job!!'.
Below is a couple of images of the finished refurbished post box.

To find out more, visit our powder coating services page.

Friday, 3 August 2012

The Best Powder Coating Services

We are able to offer one of the very best powder coating services in the UK as we are an experienced powder coating specialist. We are able to powder coat metals to any colour finish available and the zinc paint that we use is rust resistant, which means that your brand new paint job will last much longer. To find out more about our powder coating service visit us online at